The bible prophecy that church quote  always refers to Israel, Jerusalem and Messiah as the focus point. Some of these prophecies already came to pass or still yet to be fulfilled in the future. Of course, these are important to understand, However it seems that they are also open to many interpretations. What i think more importantly is the bible prophecy that i know, which is the bible application for ‘now’, the ‘now’prophetic word.
This is the word of prophecy that Apostle Peter in 2Pet 1:19 said , that we should take heed, as a light that shine in a dark place, until the day dawn. We also know  that at this moment, darkness has covered  the whole earth and the people of the earth ( Is 60:2). This word of prophecy is the same as understanding the times and doing what needs to be done. ( 1 Chron 12:32)  and is applicable  to every Christian individual,  church and the country we are in . This word of prophecy is in my opinion, very important to our survival in the midst of the devil’s onslaught.
Look at the example of Joseph an individual, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus. He had a dream, where an angel said to flee to Egypt. Confirmed by a word of prophecy Hos 11:1, he immediately fled into Eyypt by night. If he did not act upon it, our Lord Jesus would have been killed by king Herod along with other babies under 2 years old. That is how critical the word of prophecy is to us.  ( Matt 2: 13-15)
At the same time, there is another word of prophecy Jer 31:15 which was fulfilled on many babies killed by Herod (Matt 2:16-18). This explained Hos 4:6 that His people perished for lack of knowledge ( of the word of prophecy) because they rejected knowledge.
In conclusion, seek the word of prophecy when reading the bible. Remember that the prophet Daniel understood the word of prophecy when reading the bible and immediately he did what he need to do, seeking God by prayer and fasting (Dan 9 :2-4).

Globalist Agendas Revealed In Bible Prophecy

There is no God, like our God, who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done (Is 46:9-10). Although Isaiah 24 was written between 740 to 700BC, it is a bible prophecy of the end times, which i believe is playing out now and in the near future. The chapter starts off with the Lord make the earth empty, and scatter abroad the inhabitants (v1). When God created men in Genesis, He commanded men to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28). Therefore it is not His will to make the earth empty. This is not the day of judgement with His wrath at the second coming of our Lord Jesus, mentioned in v21. This however, is God allowing the enemies as His rod of His anger to discipline us (Is 10:5). Its the same discipline we saw that God allowed the Assyrian to conquer Israel. It will be a time of sorrow, for the earth mourn and fade away (v4). The reason being the inhabitants have transgressed the laws (v5), and as a result, the curse devour the earth (v6). Our Lord Jesus also spoke of the signs of His coming shall be of great deception, wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. These are the beginning of sorrows (Matt 24:4-8). How many know we are already in the beginning of sorrows. These sorrows are  the result of some treacherous dealers, known as the globalists, who dealt deceitfully (V16). They will use fear, pit and snare to enslave the earth’s inhabitants (v17-18). It has been more than 21 months since covid19 pandemic ravage the whole earth. So much deception being propagated by the mainstream medias, governments, globalists, etc. So much fear being unleased to get people to take the vaccines, which are not vaccines, but gene therapy. You can read my other blog titled “the snare of the fowler”. I mentioned that fear (Ps 91: 5) will be used by globalists to drive people into the snare (Ps 91: 3). Next the climate change agenda will create food shortages and hunger in the whole world. By the way, the globalist have the technology to create adverse whether changes, which can result in droughts and severe food shortages. Go and do your own research. Verse 6 says the inhabitants of the earth will be burned, meaning extreme hot weather, will be engineered by the the globalists. Verse 10 says every house is shut, that no man may come in. This is the nationwide lockdowns. During covid, we have nationwide lockdowns, and during those times, it was reported that the world had carbon emmisions reduced by 20%. All these will play into the depopulation agenda with one quarter of the earth’s population destroyed (Rev 6:8), so much so that the the noise of them that rejoice ended, and the joy of the harp ceased (v8).
So far we have heard of the bad news, we should hear the good news too. There shall be a remnant, like the shaking of olive tree (v13). Is it an coincidence, that Jesus sat upon the mount of olives, when He was sharing the signs of His coming (Matt 24:3). Olive oil can only be derived from the pressing of the olive fruit. When Apostle Paul said that we must through much tribulaton enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). All these things we suffer under the hands of the globalist, are indeed blessings in disguise, Those that are hard pressed on every side, will put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit (1Pet 3:18). Our flesh can no more stand in the way of the Spirit. These remnant shall be fires, that light up the great darkness (v15). Darkness shall cover the earth, and great datkness the people. But His glory shall be seen upon you (Is 60:2).
Finally, our blessed hope is our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come on His second coming to rapture us the church, and punish all satanic forces and the kings of the earth (v21). Lastly, i want to close with this blessed promise:  
1Th 4:16 – For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17 – Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

The Days Of Noah

Our Lord Jesus said that the day and hour of His second coming, no one knows, except our Father in heaven. But He gave a parallel to His second coming, which will be like the days of Noah. The people in Noah’s time probably knew that a flood is coming because Noah had been warning them, but they did not know that it is in their times. The bible says they had been eating, drinking and marrying, until Noah entered the ark. The sad ending was that the flood came and took them all away (Matt 24: 36-39). I had written in my last blog titled ‘ understanding the times’. We will not go through it again and you can go read it. Not understanding the times leads to destruction of God’s people. “My people are destroyed because of lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6).
Let’s look at Gen 6 for a glimpse of the second coming of Jesus. Gen 6 starts on a happy note. The people at that time were multiplying on the face of the earth. They were in the plan of God, knowingly or unknowingly. God had blessed men and said to them to be fruitful amd multiply. (Gen 1:28). They were doing just fine, according to the plan of God. Then the sons of God in v2, which were the fallen angels began to sabotage the plan of God. They took wives of the daughters of men and had children. This corrupted the DNA of men. God only create men to be a part of His salvation plan, and not angels. This results in God greatly reduced the life span of men from 800 plus 900 plus years to 120 years (v3). Moreover God regretted that He made men because the wickedness of men was great and destroyed them (v4-7). We know the tragedy that all men were destroyed by the flood, except Noah and His family. Can you imagine the whole world population was wiped out, leaving a family of eight. Only Noah found grace with God.  He lived differently from the others. Not that he was without sin, but he had faith in God and did all that God had commanded him especially building an ark(v22). I believed he had warned others about the flood that was coming. Somehow the people were under the influence of the descendants of the fallen angels, which were mighty men  men of renown (v4). These men deceived the whole world, that no one heed the warning.

Now the question is what is the application in our times. Well there is an amazing parallel . Satan’s plan is always to corrupt God’s plan. Once more he attempt to alter the DNA of men. This time, its not by the marrying of daughters of men, but by mass vaccination of MRNA vaccines. These vaccines are able to alter the DNA of men, causing severe side effects and even deaths, not just short term, and also long term. I am not an expert in medical  field. You can do your research. I will not attach the reports on vaccine deaths and injuries. Because father Abraham said that if we can’t believe what the scriptures say, we will not believe the words of some one that rose from the dead (Luke 16:31). Therefore i have determined  i will only use God’s word to back my point. God greatly reduced the life span of men in Gen 6, He will allow the life span of men to be cut further, especially for those vaccinated. Read my previous blog titled ‘The snare of the fowler’. I am convinced the arrow that is mentioned in Ps 91:5 is the mass vaccination. The hebrew root word of arrow means to cut or split in two, to halve, divide, live out half. Yes, you hear that clearly, 120 years may be further reduced by half to 60. Furthermore, vaccination divides familes, ethnic groups, nations. Vaccination status determines whether you can travel, eat and drink, buy and sell, etc. And It is definitely not God’s perfect will that harm will come to His children, However He allow it to happen, because of our unbelief.
Secondly, as there there were giants in the days of Noah, so is today. We have the big techs and how many of us can live a day without our iphones, google search, facebook posts, whatsapp messages, etc. Under their influence, they can censor every narrative that does not agree with their narrative. Anything that is against their narrative is not tolerated. No debate or discussion is allowed. Every information they allow is biased and propaganda based. And just as God sent a flood to destroy in Gen 6, there shall be a fllood, not directly from God, but from the enemy satan. The bible says when the enemies comes in like a flood, but the Spirit of God shall raise up a standard against it (Is 59:19). God will allow His rod to discipline His children, because He loves us as sons.

Lastly, our last day Noahs are the ones that did, according to all that God commanded. They are doers of the word, not just hearers.  Didn’t our Lord Jesus warned that not every one, that said unto Him Lord, Lord, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he that does the will of God (Matt 7:21). And Jesus further elaborated that those that does His will, are liken to be wise men, that build their house upon the rock. And those hearers, and not doers are liken to be foolish men, that build their house upon sand. Note that Jesus said that the devasting flood will surely come, the house upon the rock shall stand, while the house upon sand, shall be destroyed. Beloved bro and sis, the flood will surely come, or already came. Without the flood, all houses look the same, and no one notices whether its on rock or sand. However, the real test is that the flood will reveal their ground. The house that stands in the flood will stand tall and high, in the midst of widespread destruction. Is it an coincidence, that Noah, was commanded to build an ark, that can withstand the flood. And here Jesus commanded us to build a house, with the same purpose to withstand flood. Finally, i would close with this scripture Eph 6: 10Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.
11Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
12For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Understanding The Times

This passage of prophet Isaiah sent by God in Isaiah 6 always intrigues me. The reason being God sent him to a people who have ears that do not hear and eyes that do not see. They were spiritually blind. I mean Isaiah would have expected God to send him to a people ready to hear the message of God. An example is Peter who was sent to Cornelius and his household (Acts 10). They had humble hearts and ready to accept the message. The people that Isaiah preach to had no umderstanding. Note the word “understand” was mentioned twice in Is 6 verse 9 and 10. Even the word ‘perceive’ mentioned in verse 9 has the same meaning as ‘understand’ too. Isaiah after knowing that this mission was tough, asked God how long will the mission be. God did not give a definite time,. However He said the mission will end when the cities be without inhabitants and the land be utterly desolate (Is 6:11-12). We knows what happened in history. Judah was conquered by Babylon in 586BC, and many Jews were taken captives and brought to Babylon. Isaiah was sent by God on the year of King Uzziah’s death, which is 740BC. That makes a time frame of 154 years. That means prophet Isaiah preached until his death, and still not a tenth understand. Beloved brothers and sisters, without understanding is no small matter. It lead to the destruction of God’s people and cities. Remember that God said “my people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hos 4:6)
So the question is why understanding is so important So back to Isiah 6, God, who declares the end from the beginning, warned 154 years ahead of time, His people will be destroyed. He wants the Jews to know the tragedy that awaits them, and do the right things, which is turn from their wicked ways. 1Chron 12:32 says that the  children of Issachar were men that had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do. They  joined the growing armies of David,, knowing the time had came to turn the kingdom of Saul to David, according to the word of God (1Chron 12:23). Daniel is another man that understood the times. He understood from the scriptures in the book of Jeremiah that the desolations of Jerusalem will be for seventy years. But he did not assume that God will end the desolations automatically once 70 years is up. The bible says he instead seek God by prayer and fasting (Dan 9:2-3).

I will give another example of a group of people not understanding the times, and another group just the opposite. During the first coming of Jesus, the Jewish religious leaders at that time knew the scriptures that said that the Messiah will be born in Bethlehem, but had no idea of this will happen in their time. At the same time  after seeing the star of Jesus, some wise men from the east came to king Herod, not to look for him, but the King of the Jews. Those wise men, who were not jews, confirmed by the scriptures, managed to locate Jesus and worship Him with gold, myrrh and frankincense. That is why they were called wise men because they knew the times. However sadly, the jewish religious leaders, the ones that Jesus came for, did not even search out King Jesus in Bethelehem, not to mention worship Him (Matt 2:1-11).
In conclusion, all these examples show that  people who understand the times, were the ones who from the scriptures, discern that certain particular scripture is for their current time. It is not just history to them, but it is a ‘now’ word for them. And in every instance, an action was required of them. This all came by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. No man can understand the things that God has prepared for us, but God have revealed to us by His Spirit. The condition here is that we must love God, and not love the world (1 cor 2:9-10).
Furthermore, Apostle Peter heard an audible voice of God on the mount of trasfiguration. He did not boast of it. Instead he said there is a more sure word of prophecy. The word “more sure” means more stable, firm, trusty. There are some christians that spend a lot of time in prayer and claim that they hear God speaking. Of course God does speaks. He is a living God and He had already spoken in the scriptures. Peter said that there is a more sure prophetic scriptures. He continued to say we need to take heed of these scriptures. To take heed means to give attention to or to devote thought and effort to. He gave the reason why we need  to do so. This shall be a light that shine in a dark place, until the day dawn and the day star arise in our hearts (2 Pet 1:19-21). Before dawn breaks, it is always the darkest time. Spiritually, it is true that, just before the second coming of Jesus, there will a time of great darkness, when antichrist rules the world. The bible says that darkness shall cover the whole earth, gross darkness the people (Is 60:2a). However, this shall also be the most exciting and glorious times in the history of church, since the birth of the church on the day of Pentecost  because we shall see the Glory of the Lord risen upon us,  (Is 60:2 b).
Lastly i will close with a promise of God in Is 42:16-17 “And I will bring the blind by a way that they knew not; I will lead them in paths that they have not known: I will make darkness light before them, and crooked things straight. These things will I do unto them, and not forsake them.
They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye are our gods”.

The Snare Of The Fowler

This is a message to the church at large. Maybe only a few will believe, but i have to speak up in obedience, so as to expose the enemy. In fact, God said i will be persecuted because of this message. My answer to God can only be amen, so be it. More than a year had passed since the start of covid19 pandemic. We were told that we have to accept a new normal. The new normal is we have to continue to wear mask, adhere to 1 metre social distancing, work from home etc. And now the vaccines are rolled out globally and for the first time, there seems to be a solution for the pandemic and now a return to normalcy is possible.
But I want to present what is my view on this so called pandemic. In the beginning of the pandenic, the scripture that was vastly used by church was Ps 91. But now it seems that church leaders are no more talking about this psalm. I think most leaders are thinking finally the vaccine is the solution to this pandemic. But clearly stated in Ps 91:3 that God alone shall save us from this pandemic. “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence”. Some may argue that God will use vaccine to deliver us. I will try my best to explain why it is not. We see the immeasurable wisdom of God from the writing of this psalm few thousand years ago, that revealed the plan of satan. The snare of the fowler simply paints us a picture of a hunter setting a net to trap a bird. The poor bird surely did not know that the net is a trap and unsuspectably bite the bait dangling. Probably, the bird did not see the net, otherwise it would not have bite the bait, Little did it know that once it bite the bait there is no way out. Notice there is two parts that forms this verse 3. The snare of the fowler ‘and’ the noisome pestilence. Notice the word ‘and’ used which indicates this satanic plan has two parts. First. the snare of the fowler, follow by the noisome pestilence. Let look at psalm 91:7, “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee”. This is a description of the full brunt of the pandemic. Scripture must be taken in its literal sense first. This simply means, you have friends, relatives, colleagues, neighbours, celebrities etc, people whom you know of, whether you know them personally or just know their names, die of vaccines, literally in the thousands. Right now i don’t think this scripture is fulfilled All those deaths in US, UK. Europe and the world were mostly inflated figures, as most of these deaths were not directly because of covid19. This is basically a scamdemic. Not sure this word can be found in dictionary. I won’t go into detail about this, because it is not my point. Anyway I am not a doctor, neither am i a virus expert. I can only use the scripture to prove my point. It all started with a snare to lure the bird to bite the bait. But trust me in this, the scamdemic will become real pandemic once millions of people take the bait. If satan can steal the US 2020 election, he can scam the whole world. Don’t forget he is deceiver of the whole world (Rev 12:9).
What is the tactic that satan used to drive the bird to the bait. The answer is fear mentioned in Ps 91:5a “Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night”. The fear generated by propaganda tools of mainstream media, lockdowns of cities by governments, resigning every death to covid 19, all resulted in extreme fear in the public. Now what is the bait? The bait here is the mass vaccination. At this point.the fear of not able to travel, fear of losing jobs, not able to buy and sell, continue to be propagated. What happens when the bird bite the bait? Now we look at Ps 91:5b “nor for the arrow that flieth by day”. Here the root hebrew word for arrow means to divide, cut in two, cut short. live half of one’s life. This simply means your life will be cut short after vaccination. That is why these arrows flies by day, because it is done in the open, in contrast to terror by night, which is done secretly. But God clearly warned us in verse 5 not be afraid of all these terror and arrows.
I wished that God would have revealed to me earlier regarding the vaccine, now that it was reported millions in the world had already vaccinated. I believe this vaccine is not the mark of the beast (read you own Rev 13 and 14). It won’t be a scenerio whereby you say “oops, i took the mark of the beast without knowing”. You will know the actual mark of the beast and many will be forced to make a decision to worship satan instead of God, because those that refuse to worship Satan will be killed. This pandemic certainly is a satanic agenda to kill one fourth of the world’s population mentioned in Rev 6:8. If you have not been vacinnated, praise the Lord! Our God will a mother hen unto the chicks. He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings will you trust (Ps 91:4). If you had been vaccinated, do not despair. This is not the end of the world. Repent of your unbelief. Be like the unbelief father that prayed unto Jesus, “Lord I believe, help my unbelief’, I want to comfort you with Mark 16:18a “They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them”. I believe the stripes of Jesus healed all diseases including vaccines inflicted. Only believe, and you will see the glory of God. Lastly I will close with the promise of God in Ps 91:16 “With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation”.

The Great Commission Part 1

Our Lord Jesus, before His ascension to heaven, at the end of His last forty days on earth, spoke to His disciples in Mark 16:15 “ And He said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature”. This is known by many as the great commission. but how many of us take this seriously? Here, the greek meaning of the word ‘world’ simply means the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family. But the greek root word has an action added to the original word. It means to (i) care for, take care of, provide for (ii) to carry, bear so as to (a) receive the promised blessing, (b) to receive what was previously one’s own, to get back, receive back, recover.To put simply, the disciples were told to bring recovery to those that lost their blessings. That is why the gospel is called good news, because it is taking back what the devil had stolen and restore it back to the person.

This brings us back to the creation of mankind in Gen 2. God created Adam and Eve and put them in the garden of Eden. He provided them all things and commanded them that they may freely eat of the fruits of every tree in the garden, except the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. However, Eve was tempted by the devil, and she ate of the forbidden fruit and gave it to Adam also. This is the original sin of mankind, which is unbelief. It is not about acting against the law. Remember that the law was not yet given at this point of time. Let me explain what is unbelief. Unbelief is not the lack of knowledge. The lack of knowledge is ignorance. Adam and Eve had knowledge, but they chose to believe the words of the devil, and not the words of God. Therefore, unbelief is a choice made. They had thought that God had withold something, and not give them, but instead, God has blessed them with all things. The devil had deceived Eve into believing that God had withold wisdom. And by eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, she can be as wise as God. Don’t forget that God had blessed Adam with so much wisdom that whatever names he call the living creatures, that was their name. Unbelief is not trusting God, period. As a result of their unbelief, God had to cast them out of the garden of Eden, from the presence of God. Initially, God gave them authority, to have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that move upon the earth. Now they lost that authority to the devil and also all their blessings. They now have to work hard to till the ground and eat of the fruits, and women have to suffer child bearing pain. Why do you think that our Lord Jesus had to rebuke the disciples of unbelief, before He gave them the great commission, just one verse before Mark 16:15.

Now, here is the good news. A few thousand years later, our Lord Jesus came into the scene. Born of a virgin birth, He came into the world and died for our sins on the cross, and forgave our sins. Moreover, He rose from the dead three days later and imputed to us righteousness. During that three days,He went to hell, vanquished the enemies and took back the keys of kingdom of heaven from the devil. That means He took back that authority from the devil and gave it back to the church. This is the greatest recovery story ever written in the history of mankind. That is why apostle Paul declared that “ I am not ashamed of the gospel, but it is the power of God unto salvation…”.Our Lord Jesus Christ had sealed the victory over Satan, by His death and resurrection. Hallelujah! Now, we the church is to enforce that victory by preaching the gospel.

Now, back to what apostle Paul said in Rom 1:16 that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth, to the Jews first, and also to the Greek. See that it is first to the Jews. The church had done fairly well in evangelizing the lost, the non believers, but largely ignoring the believers. According to what we discussed earlier that we should care for, take care of, provide for the world. The church must first do it to our brothers and sisters in Christ, our family members. The early apostles, Peter, John and Paul, etc had no problem understanding this. We saw that they went about preaching the gospel, starting first in the synagogues. Till the unbelieving Jews persecute them, then they preach to the Gentiles. Our Lord Jesus shared in Luke 10:30 about a parable regarding a Jew on his journey from Jerusalem to Jericho. He fell among thiieves, and was wounded. Well, a priest and a levite, saw him, chose to pass by on the other side. They could be on their way to the temple, and were afraid that he will die while saving him, thus making them unclean, as they cannot touch a dead body., according to law. They have the upmost concern about religious temple affairs, than to concern about a brother in need. But a certain samaritan, who had compassion on this wounded Jew, bound up his wounds, took care of him, took him to an inn, and provided his stay. The Samaritan put the priest and the levite to shame. He, who is not a Jew, and had no association with Jew, took care of the needy Jew. Has the church become so indifferent to the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ? Has the church leaders get so obsessed with expanding church buildings and church programs, yet they forget to feed the poor in our church. Has the church forget that our lord Jesus will one day judge the nations, based on whether we feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, take in a stranger, cloth the naked, visit the sick, visit the persecuted in prison. Our Lord Jesus added that you do it to the least of the brethren, you do it to Him. These are the questions the church need to ask ourselves. Remember that apostle John said in 1 John 4:20 that he that love not his brother, whom he have seen, how can he love God, whom he had not seen. We need to repent of our hypocrisy!

Pulling down of strongholds

This is a word to the church of Jesus Christ, especially the church of US. Apostle Paul talks about the weapons of our warfare are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. He beseech us to cast down every argument, every high and lofty things that exalt itself against God (2 Cor 10:4-5). A stronghold is a military term that refers to a place that is fortified so as to protect it against attack. It is the enemy’s stronghold we are attacking, and the stronghold is in the enemy’s territory. However, contrary to physical warfare, stronghold in spiritial warfare refers to a place where a particular belief is strongly defended. It is the enemy that has us believing in a lie, and it is in our territory, which is our mind. Come to think of it, it is quite scary to have the enemy already in our territory. The scripture i just mentioned clearly says it is against the knowledge of God, and it takes only the power of God to pull down the stronghold, but we must be the one who recognizes that it is a lie to be eradicated.
There is an account in the bible of how our Lord, Jesus healed a certain man in John 5:1-8. The background is that there was a feast of the jews. The jews had feasts every year, and they had to travel from their hometown to jerusalem to celebrate the feasts. And Jesus also went to the feast, as was His custom. In Jerusalem, there was a place called sheep gate, and a pool by it And this pool was called Bethesda (John 5:1-2).
A) Bethesda in the greek means house of mercy or living waters. The church is caled to be a hourse of mercy. Jesus knows to observe Jewish customs, but more importantly, He showed mercy to the ones, sick and oppressed. Our greatest commandment is to to love God, but don’t forget our second commandment, which is to love our neighbour. Remember in the parable of the good samaritan, one priest and one levite passed by the robbed and wounded man, which they thought was dead, so that they would not be defiled and not attend their religious meetings. They definitely love God, but they don’t love men. There came a samaritan and he did the right thing by saving the wounded man. Jesus said the samaritan shew mercy, go and do likewise (Luke 10:30-37).
Verse 3 says there was a great multitude of impotent people. Some were blind, lame and withered. However, no ones goes into the pool. They were all waiting for something to happen in the waters of the pool, which is the moving of the water
Verse 4 explains what were they waiting for. An angel went down at certain seasons to trouble the waters. And whosoever went into the water first will be healed of their diseases.
B) They were waiting for angels to come. They were waiting for the spectacular to happen. Remember that Elijah thought that God was in the great, strong wind that passed, but God was not in it. After that, an earthquake, but God was not in it. After that, a fire, but God was not in it either. And finally after that, God manisfested Himself in a still small voice and spoke to him (1 kings 19:11-12). I want to speak to the US church specifically. Many believers are waiting for God to rent down the heavens, and vanquish their enemies, enemies of tyranny that orchestrated the stealing of the election 2020. I must confess that regretabbly, i also believe that initially. God will definitely come true, but not in the way you perceive. He will come in that still small voice. Many are waiting for God to act, but instead God is waiting for you to act. He wants you to seek Him and hear his still small voice. Every believer must hear God for himself. God will give you instructions, strategies to escape and to overcome our enemies. Every believer is a soldier of the army of God, with Jesus being the captain of the army. And we should ask Jesus the question Joshua asked “What saith my lord unto his servant?” (Josh 5:14).
C) ‘An angel went down at a certain season’. The greek word for season is kairos, which means appointed time. The body of Christ are simply too passive. Many believers are waiting for God to move in His appointed time. God’s appointed time was when Jesus hung and died at the cross, and rose from the dead. Many of our church leaders taught that when our prayers are not answered, it can only means God wants you to wait, or the answer is no. But i say to you, the appointed time is now or never!
D) ‘and troubled the waters’. Another word for “troubled” is to stir up. If the water in the pool needs to be stir up, that simply means the water is still and dead. This seems to contradict the other greek meaning of Bethesda, which is living waters. Jesus at the last day, of the greast feast declared that as believers, out of our bellies, shall flow rivers of living waters. He spoke of the Holy Spirit, which was given us, after Jesus was glorified (John 7:37-39). Furthermore, Apostle Paul reminded Timothy in 2Tim 1:6 to stir up the gift of God, which is the Holy Spirit, that is in you, There is no mention in the bible that God stir the Holy Spirit in us.
E) ‘whosoever then first’ . Only the world promotes competion, the kingdom of God doesn’t promote that. In fact the contrary is true. The first shall be last, and the last shall be first. At the moment when we were born again in Christ, we were anointed, and not only certain God chosen person, were anointed.
F) verse 5 and 6 says there was a certain man, who was lame for 38 years. Jesus saw him and knew his condition had been for a long time’. This ‘long time’ means God have waited such a long time for us, for us to recognize the lies you embraced as truth, and to tear down these lies, so that you may be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you can test the good, acceptable and the perfect will of God. (Rom 12:2). That is why Jesus asked that man at the pool “Wilt thou be made whole?”. God wants us to test His will.
G) Verse 7 says ‘the man answered there is no man”. His answer is simply no men came to help him. Many believers are putting their trust in men. We must look unto God, for our help comes from Him. Our help don’t come from house representatives, senators, VP, or even President Trump. Our helps comes alone from the Spirit of God. Its not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the Lord (Zec 4:6).
Jesus commanded that man to rise, take up his bed and walk in verse 8. The action of tearing down strongholds, leads to obedience to the voice of God. Lastly, verse 9 says that immediately, the man was made whole. It is not about waiting, or a no answer, or at God’s appointed time, it is immediately!
Finally, I will close with this declaration to the church of Jesus Christ: Arise and shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For behod, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness upon the people. But the Lord shall arise upon you and His glory shall be seen upon you (Is 60:1-2)!

The plan of the king of Assyria

Beloved Bro and Sis, I want to share further on the word received for the church in my previous post. The axe that God has laid on the tree was mentioned in Isaiah 10:15. In the context, Assyria was the instrument that God used to destroy kingdom of Israel. At that time, the jews were divided into two kingdoms, kingdom of Israel and kingdom of Judah. We know in history that Israel was conquered by Assyria in 722BC. Assyria was the rod of God’s anger against Israel (Is 10:5). You may say that this is history, what does this has to do with the church now. Let me tell you it really matters. Although the Assyria kingdom is gone and past, however the king of Assyria is still at work now in the spiritual realm. Assyria in Hebrews means a step. The root word means to go on, advance, make progress. What is their agenda. Their plan is to advance, make progress, a step at a time, towards a one world government. It was mentioned that Assyria removed boundaries of the people and robbed their treasuries (Is 10:13). It is in its heart to destroy and cut off not a few nations. (Is 10:7).
According to the word I received, God is having an axe at the tree. Those branches that do not bear fruits will be chopped and cast into fire. Those branches that bear fruits will be trimmed and bear more fruits. The plan of the king of Assyria is to use cov19 pandemic to destroy fruitless christians. Only fruit bearing christians will be protected. God sent the king of Assyria against an ungodly nation, against the people of His wrath (Is 10:6).
The good news is that when the Lord has performed all His work, He will punish the king of Assyria due to its arrogant heart and haughty looks( Is 10:12.)
Thank God that there will be a remnant remained of the church. They will no more depend on Assyria, but will depend on the Holy One of Israel in truth. The remnant will return to the Mighty God (Is 10:20-21).
Thank God that The Lord retain not his anger forever, because He delight in mercy (Mic 7:18). Finally, the Lord of hosts declared that the yoke from the king of Assyria shall be destroyed by His anointing in Is10:24-27
24¶Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD of hosts, O my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian: he shall smite thee with a rod, and shall lift up his staff against thee, after the manner of Egypt.
25For yet a very little while, and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction.
26And the LORD of hosts shall stir up a scourge for him according to the slaughter of Midian at the rock of Oreb: and as his rod was upon the sea, so shall he lift it up after the manner of Egypt.
27And it shall come to pass in that day, that his burden shall be taken away from off thy shoulder, and his yoke from off thy neck, and the yoke shall be destroyed because of the anointing.

He is having an axe at the tree

Beloved Bro and Sis, below is the word I received during my prayer to God on 25Sept2020 :
People of God, listen to the voice of the Lord. He is Holy, He is worthy. He is Jehovah Tsidkenu. He is the Almighty God. Listen to His voice. Come to the Lord. Be blessed and bear fruits. He is having an axe at the tree. Those that do not bear fruits, He will chop it off and throw to the fire to be burned. Those that bear fruits, those branches that bear fruits, He shall trim and shall bear more fruits. Glory to God. He is here. He is looking at us. His power is in us. He make everything, every crooked way, He make it straight. Every high mountains, shall be humbled, shall be made low. Every valley shall be made high, shall be exalted. The King is here. He will make us strong. He will make us holy. He has revealed Himself to us, not as in the old, but in the new, in the new testament. People of God, listen to His voice. He will make you clean. Humble yourselves before Him. He will teach us. Give glory to Him!