Globalist Agendas Revealed In Bible Prophecy

There is no God, like our God, who declares the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done (Is 46:9-10). Although Isaiah 24 was written between 740 to 700BC, it is a bible prophecy of the end times, which i believe is playing out now and in the near future. The chapter starts off with the Lord make the earth empty, and scatter abroad the inhabitants (v1). When God created men in Genesis, He commanded men to be fruitful and multiply (Gen 1:28). Therefore it is not His will to make the earth empty. This is not the day of judgement with His wrath at the second coming of our Lord Jesus, mentioned in v21. This however, is God allowing the enemies as His rod of His anger to discipline us (Is 10:5). Its the same discipline we saw that God allowed the Assyrian to conquer Israel. It will be a time of sorrow, for the earth mourn and fade away (v4). The reason being the inhabitants have transgressed the laws (v5), and as a result, the curse devour the earth (v6). Our Lord Jesus also spoke of the signs of His coming shall be of great deception, wars, famines, pestilences and earthquakes. These are the beginning of sorrows (Matt 24:4-8). How many know we are already in the beginning of sorrows. These sorrows are  the result of some treacherous dealers, known as the globalists, who dealt deceitfully (V16). They will use fear, pit and snare to enslave the earth’s inhabitants (v17-18). It has been more than 21 months since covid19 pandemic ravage the whole earth. So much deception being propagated by the mainstream medias, governments, globalists, etc. So much fear being unleased to get people to take the vaccines, which are not vaccines, but gene therapy. You can read my other blog titled “the snare of the fowler”. I mentioned that fear (Ps 91: 5) will be used by globalists to drive people into the snare (Ps 91: 3). Next the climate change agenda will create food shortages and hunger in the whole world. By the way, the globalist have the technology to create adverse whether changes, which can result in droughts and severe food shortages. Go and do your own research. Verse 6 says the inhabitants of the earth will be burned, meaning extreme hot weather, will be engineered by the the globalists. Verse 10 says every house is shut, that no man may come in. This is the nationwide lockdowns. During covid, we have nationwide lockdowns, and during those times, it was reported that the world had carbon emmisions reduced by 20%. All these will play into the depopulation agenda with one quarter of the earth’s population destroyed (Rev 6:8), so much so that the the noise of them that rejoice ended, and the joy of the harp ceased (v8).
So far we have heard of the bad news, we should hear the good news too. There shall be a remnant, like the shaking of olive tree (v13). Is it an coincidence, that Jesus sat upon the mount of olives, when He was sharing the signs of His coming (Matt 24:3). Olive oil can only be derived from the pressing of the olive fruit. When Apostle Paul said that we must through much tribulaton enter into the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22). All these things we suffer under the hands of the globalist, are indeed blessings in disguise, Those that are hard pressed on every side, will put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit (1Pet 3:18). Our flesh can no more stand in the way of the Spirit. These remnant shall be fires, that light up the great darkness (v15). Darkness shall cover the earth, and great datkness the people. But His glory shall be seen upon you (Is 60:2).
Finally, our blessed hope is our Lord Jesus Christ, who will come on His second coming to rapture us the church, and punish all satanic forces and the kings of the earth (v21). Lastly, i want to close with this blessed promise:  
1Th 4:16 – For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
1Th 4:17 – Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.