The bible prophecy that church quote  always refers to Israel, Jerusalem and Messiah as the focus point. Some of these prophecies already came to pass or still yet to be fulfilled in the future. Of course, these are important to understand, However it seems that they are also open to many interpretations. What i think more importantly is the bible prophecy that i know, which is the bible application for ‘now’, the ‘now’prophetic word.
This is the word of prophecy that Apostle Peter in 2Pet 1:19 said , that we should take heed, as a light that shine in a dark place, until the day dawn. We also know  that at this moment, darkness has covered  the whole earth and the people of the earth ( Is 60:2). This word of prophecy is the same as understanding the times and doing what needs to be done. ( 1 Chron 12:32)  and is applicable  to every Christian individual,  church and the country we are in . This word of prophecy is in my opinion, very important to our survival in the midst of the devil’s onslaught.
Look at the example of Joseph an individual, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus. He had a dream, where an angel said to flee to Egypt. Confirmed by a word of prophecy Hos 11:1, he immediately fled into Eyypt by night. If he did not act upon it, our Lord Jesus would have been killed by king Herod along with other babies under 2 years old. That is how critical the word of prophecy is to us.  ( Matt 2: 13-15)
At the same time, there is another word of prophecy Jer 31:15 which was fulfilled on many babies killed by Herod (Matt 2:16-18). This explained Hos 4:6 that His people perished for lack of knowledge ( of the word of prophecy) because they rejected knowledge.
In conclusion, seek the word of prophecy when reading the bible. Remember that the prophet Daniel understood the word of prophecy when reading the bible and immediately he did what he need to do, seeking God by prayer and fasting (Dan 9 :2-4).

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